Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wrong Myths at Diet Rules

For people who is running a diet program. There are some wrong myths about diet. Most of them shockingly are not right. Some of them badly can help you gain your weight.

Wrong Myths at Diet Rules
  • Carbohydrate can make you fat is so wrong. So many people said that carbohydrate can make your belly bigger. The fact is you still can eat white bread, pasta and rice. Some people diet with stop eating carbohydrate. It will make your body lack of fiber. It can also make you want to eat more than you need when you want to eat carbohydrate. The best carbohydrate for you is oatmeal or whole grain. What important is the amount. You can eat rice and pasta not much then a cup. And you can eat white bread not more than two slice a day. Or eat one potato which the size is like your computer mouse. Oatmeal or whole grain is better because they are complex carbohydrate. Complex carbohydrate can make you feeling full for a longer time.
  • Dinner can’t make you fat. Many people who running a diet skip a dinner time.  The fact is that the calorie you eat at night still will be process at next day. What is wrong is the amount of your dinner. Some people will eat too much at night because they are already starving at noon. Try to eat regularly to prevent eating too much at night. When you eat regularly, you will not get hungry at 3 o clock. Eat grapefruit, almond, or dark chocolate at night is tolerable.
  • You can eat as much as you want if you are exercising. That is the wrong myth.  Even if you are exercising at your treadmill for two hours. You can’t eat as much as possible. Exercising will burn your fat and help to improve your energy. Eating too much will make your exercise is worthless. Keep the amount on what you eat to make your diet works. And make your body look tight with exercising regularly.
  •  Eating low fat foods and drinks will not help your diet. Most of the product is replace the fat with high amount of sugar and cornstarch. Too much sugar and cornstarch is not good for your metabolism and blood pressure. If you want to consume low fat food and drinks, keep your attention on the amount. It is better to snacking yourself with fresh fruit, slice of cheese or unsalted biscuit. The important thing about the snack is the amount of the composition from the sugar, calorie, and salt.
  • Don’t eat before you feeling hungry is not true. Eat when you are felling hungry can make you lose control. You will eat too much and eat everything you want. It is also not good for your digest system. Eat regularly even when you are not hungry. It will make you eat at good portion and at the right regular time.
  • When you are hungry, means you are need to eat. This myth is wrong. Eat is not the only answer when you are feeling hungry. Research said that when we are hungry, we can have three possibilities. Need to eat, need to drink or need to sleep. Dehydration and not enough sleep can make you hungry, even when your stomach is full. Make sure you drink 8 glasses of water every day and sleep minimum 6 hours a day.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

If you have a stain teeth, there are several options for whiten your teeth. Stain teeth will make you not confidence and make you chary to smile. Several options available can be done at your dentist. Or for you who haven’t enough time or money, there are natural ways to be done at home.

Ways to Whiten Your Teeth
  • Tooth bleaching – this is the most common way for whiten your teeth. This treatment should be done by professional dentist. The bleach they used contains hydrogen peroxide. First your dentist will put rubber shield on your gum for protection. Then they will put the bleaching product on your teeth. After the treatment at your dentist is done, you need another treatment at home. You need to apply home whitening product up to three or four weeks. Use the home used product for 30 minutes or one hour every single day.
  • Laser whitening – laser whitening used the power from several light energy to whiten your teeth. Several energies that commonly used are halogen, LED or plasma light energy. But some dentist said that the best result given by using halogen energy light. During the process the dentist will put rubber shield to protect your gum. Then the bleaching product is applies to your teeth. The bleaching product is contains hydrogen peroxide.  Then the light energy will be shone to your teeth for activate the product. The shining teeth process can be last for 5 until 15 minutes. This treatment can be done by single visit to your dentist. Most of the result shows the teeth can be six grades whiter.
  • Internal bleaching - internal bleaching should be done by your professional dentist. This treatment is a good option for stain which cause by internal leak. Internal leak usually caused by blood or another fluid at your gum or teeth. This treatment includes teeth drilling to create hole. After the hole is made, the dentist filled in the hydrogen peroxide gel. So the gel will make like some kind of sealed to your teeth.  This treatment need to be done regularly. 

Some patient said that there are bad sides doing whitening treatment at the dentist. You can have a sensitive teeth problem. You will find a pain when eating cold or warm food or drink. Some will also feel pain at the gum. But the effect will disappear several days after the treatment.

For you who don’t want to have any bad side effect, try some natural ways for whiten your teeth. This treatment need extra patient to show the result, but it is better for your time and your money as well.
  • Orange peel – use the fresh inner side of the orange peel. Scrub it into your teeth. Do it regularly twice a day. Try to use the orange that are not so seared. The acidic character on orange can cause problem to your teeth and gum.
  • Bay leaves – put some leaves under the sun until it dry. Then dry it until it become like powder. Put some bay powder on your finger. Then scrub it to your teeth. Do it slowly and regularly for better result.
  • Baking soda –baking soda is one of the main ingredients of tooth paste. Put some baking soda on your teeth. Leave it for ten minutes and then brush your teeth. This treatment should be done once or twice a month. Don’t do it too often, or you can cause teeth corrosion.

The treatment you choose should be thinks wisely before you decide it. Every treatment comes with its own side effect. See other article about Common Food and Drinks That Cause Staining Teeth.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Ways to Whiten Armpit

Many women feel worries about their armpits. Mostly, the armpit seems dark.  It makes you lose the confidence. The position of the armpit is the reason of the dark color. 

Ways to Whiten Armpit

And there is another cause of our dark color armpit:
  1. Shaving and plucking the hair - Shaving and plucking the hair on the armpit is our regular cleaning activity. But each time you do that, you cause an irritation. Your skin pores will getting bigger and make your skin dark.
  2. Waxing - waxing your armpit hair using chemical gel also cause dark skin. Waxing can cause irritation. And the chemical ingredients on gel you use make the irritation worse and darken your armpit.
  3. Soap and deodorant – some perfumed soap and deodorant contain compound that cause kin allergic. They can also aggravate the skin and darken your armpit.
  4.  Laundry detergent – laundry detergent you use contain dangerous compound for your skin. Sometimes you use too much detergent for clean your cloth. That can cause allergic to your skin, include your armpit skin.
  5. Overweight - overweight people has a bigger hands, that make the armpit will closely stick one another. The armpit skin will rub one another, cause a hyper pigmentation. 

And there are ways to whiten your armpit, hope it regularly for the best result:
  1. Peeling – it must be done by a dermatologist. Peeling will remove the outer layer of your armpit skin.
  2.  Bleaching – it must be done by dermatologist. It is much recommended to do peeling first before do the bleaching process.
  3. Lemon – lemon juice works effectively for whiten your dark armpit. Juice the lemon, add some turmeric powder. Put it on a spray bottle. Spray it on your armpit. Leave for 20 minutes, wash with water. Lemon juice can make your skin dry. The turmeric powder will smooth your skin. Do it regularly every single day.
  4. Coconut oil – coconut oil contain a lot of vitamin E. put a view of coconut oil into orange peel. Rub the orange peel to your armpit. Rub it gently.
  5.  Baking soda – baking soda could remove the dead skin that cause dark armpit. Apply on your armpit, rub it gently. Wash with cold water. Do it once a day.
  6. Cucumber – grate the cucumber, mix it with lemon juice. Apply it for about 20 minutes. Then wash with warm water.
  7.  Alum powder – alum powder works for controlling sweat and lighten the armpit. Apply the alum and leave it for about 15 minutes, then wash with mild soap. For some people alum powder could irritate skin. Use it wisely.
  8.  Pumice stone – rub your armpit using pumice stone for rid the dead skin. Rub it gently.
  9. Don’t shave your armpit too often.
  10.  Don’t wear clothes too tight. They brush with skin armpit and caused the skin going darken.
  11.  Wear cotton clothes as often as possible.

Many small ways could be done to whiten your dark armpit. Do the treatment regularly.  For other tips to whiten your skin, see the article about More Skin White.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ten Fruits to Help Your Diet

Eat the right food can really help your diet. Fruit is a best food diet. Fruits are rich of vitamin and nutrition. Its help your body get enough nutrition even when you having a diet. Choose a watery fruit also helps to hold your eat appetite. These are ten fruits that can help your diet. This fruits contain a lot of water, low sugar and low carbohydrate.

Ten Fruits to Help Your Diet
  1. Watermelon – it’s so delicious and rich of water. It is also contain much of vitamin A, vitamin C, and lycopene. Lycopene helps to lower cancer risk and heart disease. A cup of sliced watermelon only contains 50 calories. It can make your stomach full without eating too much calories.
  2. Orange – orange, of course, source of vitamin C. it also contain limoiloid, which can help to reduce the risk of kinds of cancer. It’s better to eat a fresh orange than a juice. A cup of orange juice contain 20 gram of sugar, which too much for your diet. A single whole orange contain 60 calories.
  3. Apple – some research said, eat two apples a day help to lose your weight. Eat the apple before eating your meal. It will help give a full felling, so you won’t eat much. Also eat it without peel the skin. The skin contains lots of fiber that could help your digest process.
  4. Pear – these fruit helps your immune system and prevent infection. It is also contain lots of water. One big size of pear contain 100 calories.
  5. Avocado – avocado full of good fat for your heart. Avocado is also a good fruit for someone with high cholesterol. A fat in avocado contains a compound called Leptin. Leptin helps to delay your hungry feeling. So you won’t to eat anymore. A quarter of medium size avocado contains 65 calories. So don’t eat too much avocado on one day.
  6. Berries – berries like strawberries and raspberries contain vitamin C, vitamin B, and fiber. A cup of raspberries contain 60 calories. A cup of strawberries contain only 45 calories.
  7.  Banana – banana can make your stomach full without contain too much calories. Banana rich of potassium for balancing your body hydration.
  8.  Pineapple – pineapple contain an enzyme that helps to block the saving of fat on your body. It also contains 16 minerals, vitamin A, B, C and E. but don’t eat too much pineapple in one day. Pineapple contains pretty much of sugar.
  9. Grape – any kind of grape good to help your diet. It contains vitamin A, B, C and antioxidant for anti-aging. This fruits can also help digestion and exhausted problem. A half cup of grapes contain 50 calories.
  10.  Grapefruit – grapefruit is the best fruit for your diet. It contains only 40 calories and low sugar. Grapefruit will help to improve the resistance of insulin. It is also will prevent the absorption of fat on your body.

Eat those fruit every day to helps your diet. It will give you enough water, vitamin and calories you need. Read the next article about how green tea help lose your weight