Eat the right
food can really help your diet. Fruit is a best food diet. Fruits are rich of
vitamin and nutrition. Its help your body get enough nutrition even when you
having a diet. Choose a watery fruit also helps to hold your eat appetite.
These are ten fruits that can help your diet. This fruits contain a lot of
water, low sugar and low carbohydrate.
- Watermelon – it’s so delicious and rich of water. It is also contain much of vitamin A, vitamin C, and lycopene. Lycopene helps to lower cancer risk and heart disease. A cup of sliced watermelon only contains 50 calories. It can make your stomach full without eating too much calories.
- Orange – orange, of course, source of vitamin C. it also contain limoiloid, which can help to reduce the risk of kinds of cancer. It’s better to eat a fresh orange than a juice. A cup of orange juice contain 20 gram of sugar, which too much for your diet. A single whole orange contain 60 calories.
- Apple – some research said, eat two apples a day help to lose your weight. Eat the apple before eating your meal. It will help give a full felling, so you won’t eat much. Also eat it without peel the skin. The skin contains lots of fiber that could help your digest process.
- Pear – these fruit helps your immune system and prevent infection. It is also contain lots of water. One big size of pear contain 100 calories.
- Avocado – avocado full of good fat for your heart. Avocado is also a good fruit for someone with high cholesterol. A fat in avocado contains a compound called Leptin. Leptin helps to delay your hungry feeling. So you won’t to eat anymore. A quarter of medium size avocado contains 65 calories. So don’t eat too much avocado on one day.
- Berries – berries like strawberries and raspberries contain vitamin C, vitamin B, and fiber. A cup of raspberries contain 60 calories. A cup of strawberries contain only 45 calories.
- Banana – banana can make your stomach full without contain too much calories. Banana rich of potassium for balancing your body hydration.
- Pineapple – pineapple contain an enzyme that helps to block the saving of fat on your body. It also contains 16 minerals, vitamin A, B, C and E. but don’t eat too much pineapple in one day. Pineapple contains pretty much of sugar.
- Grape – any kind of grape good to help your diet. It contains vitamin A, B, C and antioxidant for anti-aging. This fruits can also help digestion and exhausted problem. A half cup of grapes contain 50 calories.
- Grapefruit – grapefruit is the best fruit for your diet. It contains only 40 calories and low sugar. Grapefruit will help to improve the resistance of insulin. It is also will prevent the absorption of fat on your body.
Eat those fruit every day to helps your diet. It will give you enough water, vitamin and calories you need. Read the next article about how green tea help lose your weight