Hair is woman’s crown of beautification.
For the women who dread at the idea of hours of harmful chemicals and
electrical appliances functioning on their hair, there is a better option, in
the form of hair straightening methods using natural ingredient. These methods
are not so popular because they take so long hours, or even months, to give the
results. However, the results are the best; you get straight hair with shine,
silky softness, last for long-term and the most important, without the use of
costly and harmful chemicals and certainly no side effects.
Several natural ingredient for
straighten your hair naturally
- Celery - Take some celery leafs than pound it until frazzle and add some water. Then squeeze it and put the extract into a bottle and let it for a whole night. Use it as a cream bath cream and rinse your hair using your ordinary shampoo and water.this method not also give you a straight hair, but also give you a shining gentle hair.
- Coconut Milk and lemon - Get a glass of coconut milk and add juice of one lemon to it. After mixing it properly, refrigerate it up to form a creamy on top. Apply this cream on your hair, massage it for several minutes and covered your hair using shower cap. After the cream is ran dry on your hair, wash your hair as usual. Comb your hair while still wet. You would find that your hair are shiny and less unruly. After several repetitions of the process, you would find your hair straighter too.
- Milk and honey – Mix a cup of milk with a half cup of honey, than apply it on your hair, leave it dry for about two hour. Then wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner, and comb your hair orderly. This is a slow effect method, but you will get a straight, shiny beautiful hair.
- Egg and olive oil - Beat two eggs and add a spoon of olive oil to them. Mix thoroughly. Take a wide teethed comb and divide your hair in different small sections. Stretch the hair with the comb and thoroughly apply this paste on it with a small brush. Wrap it in silver foils and keep for a few hours. Wash it off with a very mild shampoo and find yourself with gorgeous straight hair.
- Hair Oil – heating up your hair oil, and wait until the temperature down so the hot oil is warm enough to be massage on your scalp for 15-20 minutes. Then comb your hair and covered it with warm towel for about 30 minutes. This warm oil works with the same principle like an iron hair. This warm oil provides moisture for your hair follicle, so it will stretch the wavy and curly hair.
So, instead of wasting your time sitting and smelling chemical ingredients at the salons, give yourself these treatments at home and find yourself with the straight hair only seen in advertisements. Choose one of the methods, and do it regularly for at least two or three times a week. After you get the beautiful straight hair, it’s also important to know how to treat a straight hair. Read my next article about ways to treat straight hair to keep your hair as beautiful as crown.