Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wrong Myths at Diet Rules

For people who is running a diet program. There are some wrong myths about diet. Most of them shockingly are not right. Some of them badly can help you gain your weight.

Wrong Myths at Diet Rules
  • Carbohydrate can make you fat is so wrong. So many people said that carbohydrate can make your belly bigger. The fact is you still can eat white bread, pasta and rice. Some people diet with stop eating carbohydrate. It will make your body lack of fiber. It can also make you want to eat more than you need when you want to eat carbohydrate. The best carbohydrate for you is oatmeal or whole grain. What important is the amount. You can eat rice and pasta not much then a cup. And you can eat white bread not more than two slice a day. Or eat one potato which the size is like your computer mouse. Oatmeal or whole grain is better because they are complex carbohydrate. Complex carbohydrate can make you feeling full for a longer time.
  • Dinner can’t make you fat. Many people who running a diet skip a dinner time.  The fact is that the calorie you eat at night still will be process at next day. What is wrong is the amount of your dinner. Some people will eat too much at night because they are already starving at noon. Try to eat regularly to prevent eating too much at night. When you eat regularly, you will not get hungry at 3 o clock. Eat grapefruit, almond, or dark chocolate at night is tolerable.
  • You can eat as much as you want if you are exercising. That is the wrong myth.  Even if you are exercising at your treadmill for two hours. You can’t eat as much as possible. Exercising will burn your fat and help to improve your energy. Eating too much will make your exercise is worthless. Keep the amount on what you eat to make your diet works. And make your body look tight with exercising regularly.
  •  Eating low fat foods and drinks will not help your diet. Most of the product is replace the fat with high amount of sugar and cornstarch. Too much sugar and cornstarch is not good for your metabolism and blood pressure. If you want to consume low fat food and drinks, keep your attention on the amount. It is better to snacking yourself with fresh fruit, slice of cheese or unsalted biscuit. The important thing about the snack is the amount of the composition from the sugar, calorie, and salt.
  • Don’t eat before you feeling hungry is not true. Eat when you are felling hungry can make you lose control. You will eat too much and eat everything you want. It is also not good for your digest system. Eat regularly even when you are not hungry. It will make you eat at good portion and at the right regular time.
  • When you are hungry, means you are need to eat. This myth is wrong. Eat is not the only answer when you are feeling hungry. Research said that when we are hungry, we can have three possibilities. Need to eat, need to drink or need to sleep. Dehydration and not enough sleep can make you hungry, even when your stomach is full. Make sure you drink 8 glasses of water every day and sleep minimum 6 hours a day.