Saturday, April 27, 2013

Easy Homemade Facial Mask

Almost everyone enjoy the facial. Facial is not only good for your face. It is also relaxing and comforting your body. Make your own facial mask for apply at home. Use the natural ingredient for prevents irritation. Some of these recipes are not as difficult as you thought.

Easy Homemade Facial Mask

1. Milk face mask – milk face mask good for getting fair and glowing skin. It can be used for any type of skin.
·         3 tablespoon of Milk
·         3 tablespoon of plain yogurt
·         1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Mix all the ingredients into the bowl. Make the paste from those ingredients. Apply in the face and leave it dry for about 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

2. Green tea face mask – green tea face mask good for remove acne. It is also a perfect mask for sensitive skin.
·         One cup of thick green tea drinks
·         A half tablespoon of lemon juice
Leave the green tea drinks for an hour. If it still a little bit warm, put it in a refrigerator. Add the lemon juice; apply it to your face. Use it for wash your face. It is better to apply it and leave it for about 15 minutes.

3. Cucumber face mask – cucumber face mask good lightning your face. Mix with lemon for healing your sunburn. It is also a perfect mask for oily skin.
·         One tablespoon of cucumber juice. Don’t peel the cucumber before you juice it.
·         One tablespoon of lemon juice
·         One tablespoon of turmeric powder.
Mix all the ingredients into a bowl. Apply it to your face. It is saved to apply it on around and above eye area. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash with cold water.

4. Egg yolk face mask – egg yolk face mask good for dull skin. It will smooth and glowing your skin. These face mask is good for dry skin.
·         One egg yolk
·         One tablespoon of honey
·         A half teaspoon of olive oil
Mix well the egg yolk. Add honey and olive oil. Mix it until blended perfectly. If the mix is not right, the egg yolk will hard to stick on your face. Apply it on your face for about 20 minutes. Wash your face using warm water.

5. Oatmeal face mask – oatmeal face mask will remove died skin and glow your skin. It is good for sensitive skin. It is also to heal irritated skin.
·         Two tablespoon of oatmeal
·         Two teaspoon of plain yogurt
·         One tablespoon of tomato juice
Make a paste from those ingredients. Apply on your face, leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash it sing cold water.

6. Carrot face mask – carrot face mask good for remove acne. Carrot also contains lots of vitamin A that good for regeneration of your skin.
·         One large carrot.
·         three tablespoon of honey
Grate the carrot, and then mix it with honey. Apply to your skin and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it using cold water.

It is so easy to make your own face mask. Those ingredients are daily vegetable and fruit, so you can make it anytime. For the best result, do the face mask regularly.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do Your Own Facial At Home

Facial is important to keep your skin healthiness. But some people it is just too expensive to do. Do your own facial is right choice for you. You don’t need specific tools to do own facial at home. These are the step how to do own facial at home.

Do Your Own Facial At Home
  1. Clean your face – clean your face from make up by using make up cleanser. Apply it by using cotton. Does it upward for lift any debris and excess oil. For eye area, do it in circular movement. Do it gently. Skin in eye area is very sensitive.Then clean your face using facial cleanser. Apply it in circular movement. Rinse it with warm water.
  2. Exfoliation – exfoliation is the key for glowing skin. Use facial scrub that fit for your skin type. Apply in to your skin using circular movement. Focus more on your nose, fore heads, or other oily area. Avoid the eye area. Don’t forget the neck area. Neck area has sensitive skin that needs extra care. If you have acne problem, don’t use the scrub with chemical ingredient. It can irritate the skin and make the acne change into a scar.
  3. Open the pores. Open the pore is important to maximize the treatment. Put warm water into the bowl and add herbal tea, like green tea. Soak the towel into the bowl. Wring out the towel and put in your face and it for five minutes. Leave it cool slightly. If you have a blackhead problem, use the blackhead cleanser. Apply it to your skin, and rinse it using warm water. Or you can use the blackhead sticker.
  4. Mask your face – use the mask fit to your skin type. You can use your own mask ingredient. Or you can buy the mask gel or powder available at the market. Apply the mask in your face and leave it for about 15 minutes. Remove the mask and rinse the remains using warm water. While doing the mask, you can take care of other area. You can put a bag of green tea on your eye lids. It helps to rove black area under your eyes. You can change the green tea bag for slice of fresh cucumber. Lips are also an important area. Apply a honey after you apply the face mask. The honey will remove the black color on your lips. Wash it after 15 minutes.
  5. Use the serum – serum contains ingredients for smoothing and glowing skin.  Apply it into your face by patting it using your finger. Apply it twice in the dry area. You can change the serum for vitamin or face oil. Make sure that the serum is completely dry before apply the second layer
Do the facial for once a month. You will have a healthy, young, flawless and glowing face. It is better to use natural product to do your facial. Especially for you who have acne problem. See the next article about easy homemade facial mask for making your own face mask.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Dark Circle under Eyes

Dark circle ruined your appearance instantly. It is like grey hair or wrinkles make you look older and dull. There are some causes why you have a dark circle under your eye. But there are ways to prevent, minimize the appearance or even remove dark circle under your eyes. 

Dark Circle under Eyes

Some people are genetically has dark circle under their eyes. They have prominent vein around their eyes. Or they have thick skin around their eyes. When they are lack of sleep, the dark circle under the eyes will get bold. This case of dark circle cannot be removed, but there are some ways to minimize the appearance.

Age is another cause of dark circle under your eyes. Over time skin lose its elasticity. It can cause the skin become hanging under your eyes. Age also make the vein become more prominent and add some fat in particular area. This reason cause by age can cause dark circle under your eyes.

Exposed by sun light every single day can make your skin elasticity is worse. Sun light can make skin lose its collagen that can produce wrinkle and dark circle. Research shown that woman who live at tropical area is have bigger chance of having dark circle under their eyes. Sun light also cause skin pigmentation is not prevalent over your skin. It can cause black spot on your skin. Black spot can also make black circle under your eyes is getting worse.

Allergic apparently can also cause dark circle under your eyes. Some allergic like weather, dust, or pollen allergic can make our dark circle under your eyes is getting bold and worse. Those allergic trigger your vein to get swelling. This swelling can make your under eye area is swollen. And because of the skin on that area is skin, when you get allergic, you will have dark circle under your eyes as the bonus. Allergic sometimes also make you want to rub your eyes. This rub can trigger swollen and cause dark circle around your eyes. The only ways to get rid of this dark circle is by cure the allergic. And try to not rub your eyes or nose even when you are get itchy.

 There are some natural and cosmetic ways to get rid of dark circle under your eyes. The most common method is by using cucumber. Cucumber curs the swallow skin and refresh the skin make it elastic. Close your eyes. Put slice of cold cucumber on your eyes. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. You can change the cucumber using slice potatoes, tea bag or ice cube. Or you can use spoon. Leave the spoon in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes. Put the spoon on your eyes until it get warm. Do those treatments regularly for best and long lasting result.

For you who don’t believe in natural ways, you can try to apply one of these creams. Many people works to remove dark circle using cream containing vitamin K and retinol. Vitamin K is good the help get skin elasticity. Vitamin K and retinol will work to cure your skin swollenness and make your skin color is prevalent. Use this cream every day for the best result. It is believed can make your dark circle under eyes is disappear.

Actually the key to prevent and heal dark eyes under your eyes is enough time of sleep. And also make sure you are not having a stressful life.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What Causes Dandruff

Dandruff or scurf is like pieces of flakes on your scalp. Dandruff is your old scalp skin. Your skin is regenerate regularly. The new skin pushes the old skin out of the surface. Someone with dandruff problems mean their skin regenerate more often. More old skin made, that cause dandruff. Dandruff can also cause by other things like weather or allergic reaction.

What Causes Dandruff

If you have an oily scalp, you have to be worry about dandruff. Oil on your scalp will bundle your skin cell into white thick layer. That skin cell then what you see as dandruff. This problem will get worse at dry weather. Dry weather can trigger itchy feeling at your scalp. It is because your skin gets dried and turn into skin flakes. Scratch it will make it worse. You will peel off more skin flakes and make your dandruff worse. Try to not scratch your scalp at dry season. If you have dandruff problem, don’t blow your hair too often. Heat will make your dandruff worse.

Some hair treatment product can cause allergic. If your scalp can not resist some substances on hair product, your scalp will get dry, broken, and redness. This reaction cause itchy feeling that make you want to scratch it. Then without you noticed, you will have dandruff problem. Dandruff can be ccauses if you not clearly wash your hair and scalp after using the hair treatment product. Make sure you wash your hair with water clearly to remove any shampoo or conditioner you used. Remains product on your scalp will get dry and turn into some white flakes on your scalp. This allergic condition must be aware by you who have sensitive scalp.

There is dandruff that causes by some fungi or health problem condition. We have Malassezia fungi in our scalp. It works for to process oil in our scalp. There is the time where the amount of fungi in our scalp is increased. This condition can cause too much oil on your skin. Then the result is dandruff. The cause of increasing fungi on your scalp is remains unknown. Health problem condition can also cause dandruff on your scalp. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition. It cause the victim have a scales skin. These scales will get dry on its regenerate. Sometimes this condition shown in the scalp that cause the skin peeled of and become dandruff. Other skin problem or similar medical condition can also cause dandruff.

Stress apparently can cause dandruff. Stress can ruin all of your body system. When your body system is not balanced, the skin will lose his elasticity and regeneration ability. This can cause dandruff problem. Try to avoid stress by having a balanced lifestyle and mind.

All of that condition can make your dandruff worse if you are not regularly washing your hair. Your scalp will become dirty. It will become sticky and your scalp covered by sweat, oil, and other dirt. The sweat and oil will combine and dry into flakes that become dandruff. Try to wash your hair regularly with shampoo. Choose the shampoo that fits to your hair condition. Don’t wear hats or other head covered that too tight. It will make your head sweating a lot. Too much sweat means too much dandruff.