Saturday, April 27, 2013

Easy Homemade Facial Mask

Almost everyone enjoy the facial. Facial is not only good for your face. It is also relaxing and comforting your body. Make your own facial mask for apply at home. Use the natural ingredient for prevents irritation. Some of these recipes are not as difficult as you thought.

Easy Homemade Facial Mask

1. Milk face mask – milk face mask good for getting fair and glowing skin. It can be used for any type of skin.
·         3 tablespoon of Milk
·         3 tablespoon of plain yogurt
·         1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Mix all the ingredients into the bowl. Make the paste from those ingredients. Apply in the face and leave it dry for about 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

2. Green tea face mask – green tea face mask good for remove acne. It is also a perfect mask for sensitive skin.
·         One cup of thick green tea drinks
·         A half tablespoon of lemon juice
Leave the green tea drinks for an hour. If it still a little bit warm, put it in a refrigerator. Add the lemon juice; apply it to your face. Use it for wash your face. It is better to apply it and leave it for about 15 minutes.

3. Cucumber face mask – cucumber face mask good lightning your face. Mix with lemon for healing your sunburn. It is also a perfect mask for oily skin.
·         One tablespoon of cucumber juice. Don’t peel the cucumber before you juice it.
·         One tablespoon of lemon juice
·         One tablespoon of turmeric powder.
Mix all the ingredients into a bowl. Apply it to your face. It is saved to apply it on around and above eye area. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash with cold water.

4. Egg yolk face mask – egg yolk face mask good for dull skin. It will smooth and glowing your skin. These face mask is good for dry skin.
·         One egg yolk
·         One tablespoon of honey
·         A half teaspoon of olive oil
Mix well the egg yolk. Add honey and olive oil. Mix it until blended perfectly. If the mix is not right, the egg yolk will hard to stick on your face. Apply it on your face for about 20 minutes. Wash your face using warm water.

5. Oatmeal face mask – oatmeal face mask will remove died skin and glow your skin. It is good for sensitive skin. It is also to heal irritated skin.
·         Two tablespoon of oatmeal
·         Two teaspoon of plain yogurt
·         One tablespoon of tomato juice
Make a paste from those ingredients. Apply on your face, leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash it sing cold water.

6. Carrot face mask – carrot face mask good for remove acne. Carrot also contains lots of vitamin A that good for regeneration of your skin.
·         One large carrot.
·         three tablespoon of honey
Grate the carrot, and then mix it with honey. Apply to your skin and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it using cold water.

It is so easy to make your own face mask. Those ingredients are daily vegetable and fruit, so you can make it anytime. For the best result, do the face mask regularly.