Dark circle
ruined your appearance instantly. It is like grey hair or wrinkles make you
look older and dull. There are some causes why you have a dark circle under
your eye. But there are ways to prevent, minimize the appearance or even remove
dark circle under your eyes.
Some people are
genetically has dark circle under their eyes. They have prominent vein around
their eyes. Or they have thick skin around their eyes. When they are lack of
sleep, the dark circle under the eyes will get bold. This case of dark circle
cannot be removed, but there are some ways to minimize the appearance.
Age is another
cause of dark circle under your eyes. Over time skin lose its elasticity. It
can cause the skin become hanging under your eyes. Age also make the vein become
more prominent and add some fat in particular area. This reason cause by age
can cause dark circle under your eyes.
Exposed by sun
light every single day can make your skin elasticity is worse. Sun light can
make skin lose its collagen that can produce wrinkle and dark circle. Research
shown that woman who live at tropical area is have bigger chance of having dark
circle under their eyes. Sun light also cause skin pigmentation is not
prevalent over your skin. It can cause black spot on your skin. Black spot can
also make black circle under your eyes is getting worse.
apparently can also cause dark circle under your eyes. Some allergic like
weather, dust, or pollen allergic can make our dark circle under your eyes is
getting bold and worse. Those allergic trigger your vein to get swelling. This
swelling can make your under eye area is swollen. And because of the skin on
that area is skin, when you get allergic, you will have dark circle under your
eyes as the bonus. Allergic sometimes also make you want to rub your eyes. This
rub can trigger swollen and cause dark circle around your eyes. The only ways
to get rid of this dark circle is by cure the allergic. And try to not rub your
eyes or nose even when you are get itchy.
There are some natural and cosmetic ways to
get rid of dark circle under your eyes. The most common method is by using
cucumber. Cucumber curs the swallow skin and refresh the skin make it elastic.
Close your eyes. Put slice of cold cucumber on your eyes. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
You can change the cucumber using slice potatoes, tea bag or ice cube. Or you
can use spoon. Leave the spoon in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes. Put
the spoon on your eyes until it get warm. Do those treatments regularly for
best and long lasting result.
For you who
don’t believe in natural ways, you can try to apply one of these creams. Many
people works to remove dark circle using cream containing vitamin K and
retinol. Vitamin K is good the help get skin elasticity. Vitamin K and retinol
will work to cure your skin swollenness and make your skin color is prevalent.
Use this cream every day for the best result. It is believed can make your dark
circle under eyes is disappear.