Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Eat More Often To Losing Your Weight

For a long time, many people are struggling to lose their weight.  They using so many methods that effect on our eating habit. So many pills, teas or drinking product are produce to help us to control our eating habit. Many people hang up on the opinion that eating less than three times a day is the best way to losing the weight. But the recent researches discover that eating six times a day will help you to losing your weight and control your blood sugar level. According to a senior researcher at College University in London the research shows that the blood sugar level will stay stable by eating more often in a small portion. The secret of this method is by divide our need of calorie into six mini meals.

Eat More Often To Losing Your Weight

So how you manage the portion and the schedule of the meal? Start your day with breakfast. Breakfast is important because its will give you energy for a whole day. It’s also decided how your metabolism works for a day. Oatmeal porridge or two slices of bread and one boiled egg is a smart choice for having the breakfast. After three hours, have another meal. You can by eating fresh vegetables like tomato, carrot, lettuce or four slices of salt cracker.  Then for the lunch, choose your ordinary meal menu, but of course in a small portion. It’s important to eat anything you like in a small portion as lunch menu so you will not easily get bored. Then back for grabbing the snack three hours after having lunch. Four pieces of wafers, small slice of brownies, or soybean milk it’s a smart choice for having an afternoon snack.

When the time for dinner is come, it’s important to manage the dinner time so it’s not too close with your sleeping time. Some expert says that the best time for having the dinner is about 5 o’clock in the afternoon until 6 o’clock in the afternoon. Fresh vegetables and some carbohydrates are the important ingredients for your dinner menu. After two hours, drink a half glass of non-sugars juice or half glasses of low fat yogurt. This will anticipate the late time snack because of your hunger felling in the middle of the night.

For you who don’t have enough time or money to prepare the snack, you can divide your breakfast, lunch and dinner portion into half. So, you can have six meals with half portion each.

Eating mini meal frequently worked for losing your weight because its help you to stabilize your energy and blood sugar level. The blood sugar it’s instantly to be proceeding as energy, so there is no blood sugar will be saved. Cutting your food into small part and using small plate will help you to believe that your mini meal look like a big one. And don’t forget to keep notice on the amount of calorie, fat, sugar and salt you eat for a day. Eating too much of them will make your diet is useless. And the next article will show the wrong myths about diet.