Sunday, May 5, 2013

Common Food and Drinks That Cause Staining Teeth

Everyone wants to have nice, clean and white teeth. That’s will make you confidence and support your appearance. But some people have a yellow or stain teeth. Stain teeth cause by some habits that can make our teeth lose his white color. Some food and drink which have dense color are dangerous. They contain a pigmenting molecule that can leave stain on your teeth. More dense the color food or drink had, more dangerous they are. They have a bigger opportunity to leave stain on your teeth.  Otherwise, acid substance on food and drink can also leave stain on your teeth. For you who want to have white teeth, keep off from this foods and drinks:

Common Food and Drinks That Cause Staining Teeth

  1. Tea – research said that tea is have a bigger opportunity to make stain that a cup of coffee. Tea had a substance called tannin that can leave stain on your teeth. Any kind of tea isn’t good for your teeth. But if you are a tea lover, you can drink a white tea which contains less tannin.
  2. Dark colored drinks – dark color soda is so dangerous. It contains high level of citric acid and sugar. The acid will leave stain on your teeth. The high level of sugar combine with acid makes it stick hard on your tooth enamel. That combination known as the cause of tooth decay.  If you really love to drink soda, drink a less dark color soda.
  3. Grape or cranberry juice actually is not so good for you. It contains fewer vitamins and more sugar than you need. Try to drink white grape juice or other juice that have less bright color.
  4. Wine is another dark color drink that can cause stain. Wine contains a polyphenol that dangerous for your teeth and bone at gum. Its acidic character also can make a periodical stain. Try to not drink much wine as possible.
  5. Cold dark colored drinks will make the effect worse. Cold drink more potential to cause stain on your teeth. It also can cause pain feeling for your sensitive teeth. Try to drink using straw. Mouthwash your mouth with water after drinks it.  Or for better option, brush your teeth.
  6. Black Coffee – the darker the color, it worse for your teeth. Try to add some milk. Milk contains a lot of vitamin D and calcium that good for your teeth. It also neutralizes the coffee to cause stain on your teeth. And rinse your mouth afterward.
  7. Tomato sauce – tomato sauce is contains too much acid that can leave stain on your teeth. Its acidic character will make it stick to your teeth when you are eating your pizza, or pasta. But tomato is high of antioxidant. So at least there is benefit in eating tomato pasta. Make sure you do mouthwash with water or brush your teeth after consuming tomato sauce.
Balsamic vinegar – it can be found when you are eating sushi. Vinegar for sure contains high acid. It had a deep dark colored character. Its acidic and deep dark color character can cause a bad stain for your teeth. You will feel like there’s a layer on your teeth after consuming balsamic vinegar. It’s a sign that vinegar strongly stick on your teeth, start the staining process. try to mouthwash with water after consume it.