Thursday, May 16, 2013

Habits That Caused Big Belly

Big belly do ruin your appearance. But it’s a common problem that modern people has. Less walking and sitting all day a work can cause a big belly. Most people think that a man with big belly is a lazy one. Of course you don’t want to through that. There are 5 habits you do that caused a big belly.

Habits That Caused Big Belly

Drink too much alcohol proved can caused big belly. Alcohol affects the liver’s ability to metabolize the fat.  And many of you like to drink mixed up alcohol or cocktail. Many mixed up alcohol made by soda or energy drink. That kind of drink contains too much sugar. So they could make your belly bigger and bigger. Drink a glass of alcohol a day should be enough. Or drinking a red wine could help your digestion process.

Stress not only caused wrinkle and grey hair. Stress can make your belly big. Research said that stress people are having processes that accumulate the fat in abdominal area. When you are in a stress, sometimes you relaxing yourself by watching TV. Watching TV is better if done with eating snack, popcorn or even meal. But it can make your belly bigger. When you are concentrating watching TV, you will not pay attention on what you are eating. It can cause you to eat four or five times much than what you need. Watching TV also can make you did nothing for several hours. Change your popcorn or snack with oranges or frozen grapes.

A busy lifestyle make most people don’t enough time to sleep. And at weekend time, you mostly hang out with friends, and sleep late in the morning. Not enough sleep actually can make you fat and your belly become big. Research said that sleep less than 5 hours a day make you have two and a half chance of having a big belly. Sleep 6 to 8 hours a day is the best time for you. Less time to sleep also can cause several health problems. Sleep more than 8 hours a day also can cause big belly. It has a slightly same chance with sleep less than 5 hours. Try to have a constant sleep schedule. Don’t go to bed too late and don’t wake up at noon. Some expert says that the best time to go to bed is at 10 o’clock at night.

Some people lose their weight by not to skip meal. By being starving, you think you can lose the weight. But it can caused your belly big and not lose your weight. If you are starving for too long, the body will release the hormone. That hormone will convert the calories in your stomach into fat. And if you are starving, you will eat too much at next day. It caused slow metabolism. And caused the calorie you eat turns into fat at your belly area. Try to eat constantly with small portion a day. And it is important to not sleep at least three hours after you eat.

Having a flat belly like a model is good to improve your confidence. By change thosehabit, it can also make you to have a healthy life.