Saturday, May 18, 2013

How Green Tea Help Lose Your Weight

Everyone has an appetite that impulse our need to eat. If we faced by delicious meal, mostly we can’t control our appetite. We eat what we want and become fat. Press our appetite is a way to controlling what we eat. Drinking green tea is the effective way. Basically, green tea presses our need to eat. It is done even before we have time to eat it.  Than this way is very effective for losing weight plus keep our health.

How Green Tea Help Lose Your Weight

Green tea actually comes from the same leave as ordinary tea. What makes the different is the making process. The other tea made by fermentation process. While green tea made by being dried and steamed. The antioxidant on green tea is good for our health. Green tea well known for prevents cancer and heart attack risk. It is also good for diabetes, high blood pressure, and protects the lungs from cigarettes effect.

Green tea also contains a compound called L-theaninie. This compound helps to improve our immune system. So if you are having a bad flu, drink green tea is a good medication. Put some honey on your green tea if you like, and your flu will disappear.

Green tea also had a compound called Epigallocatechin. Epigallocatechin could minimize osteoporosis. From this compound, green tea could raise the enzyme activity for bone growth.

So how green tea helps our diet? Green tea will raise our fat oxidase in our body.  So our body metabolism will rise as well. With high level of metabolism, body will use fat as energy resources. Caffeine found on green tea also good for your diet.  It can help to burn fat on your body.

Drink three or cups of green tea every day. Drink before meal time. Or drink as regular drink at meal time. For you who has colon or sensitive stomach problem, drink it after meal. It is best drink when it is freshly brewed.

Storage your green tea properly is so important. It will keep the freshness, taste and merit.  Put it in an airtight jar and place it in cool dark place. Don’t put it near aromatic food. It will absorb the aroma make it lose the freshness. For best merit, don’t storage the green tea more than six months.

But for someone with some health problem, discuss with your doctor before having some green tea beverages. Caffeine in green tea is something worth for notice. If you have heart problem, kidney disease, sensitive stomachs panic and anxious attack should be careful of drinking green tea. Pregnant and baby-breasting woman should be careful as well.

Don’t drink green tea too much. Drink more than six cups a day can be a problem for your health. It can cause diarrhea, dizziness, and headache, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, and irregular heartbeat.

Drink green tea take a lot of advantages for your body. It will make you healthier, reduce risk of some serious ill, and of course, help your diet. Combine it with eat properly and regular exercise. Then losing your weight is no longer a dream